Retail Center

About Us

The FSU Retail Center was created in 2006 and houses the degree of Retail Entrepreneurship within the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship. This is the nation’s first stand-alone entrepreneurship college at a public university.

The FSU Retail Center creates partnerships between retail and retail-related businesses and FSU students and faculty. We strive to educate and shape future retail and product development leaders by creating strong partnerships committed to bridging the academic and business communities to build student professionalism needed for career success.


Ann Langston

Director, Florida State University Retail Center

Specialized Faculty II, Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship

William Johnston Building 3031A



Retail Center Annual Events

JMC Recognition & Networking Reception

The JMC Recognition & Networking Reception is a networking event that gives the students the opportunity to network with our retail partners. During the reception, the Retail Center also holds a scholarship recognition ceremony to recognize our JMC students for their achievements. The event is designed to connect students who are actively pursuing internships and job opportunities with recruiters from each company. The event prepares the students for the FSU Career Fair’s Seminole Futures the following day. The JMC Reception would not be a success without our retail partners providing great networking experiences and opportunities to our students.

Retail Summit

Every spring semester, The FSU Retail Center sponsors the Jim Moran College of Entrepreneurship's annual Retail Summit. The Summit encompasses an informative speaker who educates the students on career opportunities and the ever-changing trends in their chosen retail fields and includes a “speed networking” lunch. The Summit is attended by 175-200 students and over 15 companies. Sponsorships are available, but there is no cost for the retailer to attend.

Retail Roundtables

Held in August each year, the JMC Retail Roundtable is designed for local retail businesses, including "Main Street" retailers and Store Managers of the local big box retailers. Supported by the Florida Retail Federation, relevant topics are discussed, and there is always time for the businesses to meet each other, as well as discuss internships, job openings, and how JMC and the Retail Center can assist our local retail community. 

Retail Center Interns

Adam Hall

Senior Intern, FSU Retail Center
Undergraduate Major:

Audrey Gilfillan

Junior Intern, FSU Retail Center
Undergraduate Major: