The Minor in Social Entrepreneurship is a twelve-hour course of study for students in any major. Students completing the program are knowledgeable about how to initiate and manage new social ventures, sources of funding, and social business planning. The curriculum will provide students with the tools and confidence to consider starting and building their own social enterprises. Required courses:
- ENT 2000 Introduction to Entrepreneurship (fall, spring and summer)
- Choose two of the following:
- ENT 3607 Innovation by Design
- ENT 3515 Social & Sustainable Enterprises (fall and spring)
- ENT4XXX Environmental Entrepreneurship
One Approved Elective. The list of approved electives is can be found here
Approved Electives
Students are required to complete elective coursework for each major. Learn more about elective options here
After completion of an entrepreneurship minor, please complete the Minor Certificate Application to receive a minor certificate in the mail. Please note, minor certificates will not be mailed out until you have graduated from Florida State University and the University verifies your undergraduate degree requirements.